The controversial Heineken DraughtKeg fembot captures the attention of beer drinkers [and non-beer drinkers] across the country. The online experience is seeded by a user-generated, breakdancing robot viral video. Users and three friends upload headshots that become the faces of the dancing robots. The video is downloadable and shared. The accompanying digital ad campaign is animated with the technophonic robot video sound track. The robot dance video attracts 1.2 million YouTube viewers in only two days. Chill. Click. Draught.
Heineken Draughtkeg product launch. Site features user-generated content components. Digital advertising campaign includes rich media executions.

︎︎︎Creative director

  1. Site load state
  2. Site home page
  3. Site “Hit the Dance Floor” module
  4. Site DraughtKeg 101
  5. 300 x 250 rich media digital ad
  6. 728 x 90 rich media digital ad